The SMPP platform GATUM is designed in such a way that you can manage your traffic even in live mode. For this, various mechanisms have been created.
IMPORTANT! SMS to this tab come and go on a live queue basis. If you want to use some kind of mechanism, make sure that the SMS has not been sent yet.
In order to go to the mechanisms, you need to go on the platform to the Current traffic -> Queue of SMS tab.
- Send force mechanism – with the help of it you can forcibly send SMS, which was created by a blocked client.
2. Reject SMS mechanism – using it you can reject sending SMS.
3. Mechanism in the Aggregators field – using it you can redirect SMS to another provider.
4. The mechanism in the Enter scheduling date field – with it you can change the date and time of SMS sending.
5. Mechanism in the Set new Sender field – using it you can set a new sender name for SMS.
6. The mechanism in the Set new Priority field – with its help you can set a new priority for SMS.
All these mechanisms can be combined with each other.
Here is an example of how you can use the queued SMS management mechanisms.
- Go to the Current traffic -> Queue of SMS tab.
2. Using the checkmark, select the SMS to which you want to apply the mechanisms.
3. Choose the mechanisms you want and set the rules.
In this example, the SMS came from a blocked client, we want to re-route it to another provider and change the sender’s name in the SMS.
Check the Send force box to send the SMS, because it is from a blocked client.
In the Aggregators field, select a new provider.
In the Set new Sender field, write the new sender name.
4. Click on the red Reroute button for the mechanisms to be applied to the SMS and it will be sent according to the new rules.
This is how easy it is to manage the SMS queue, apply mechanisms and combine them with each other.