By Sempico Solutions

How to create new traffic types?

Every feature of the GATUM platform is designed to make your work easier. Therefore, a section has been created that displays various kinds of characteristics. Gradually, new features are added to the Library section. Now let’s look at the characteristics of Traffic types. This characteristic is responsible for displaying the types of traffic that will pass through the channel.

In order to create a new type of traffic, you need to:

  1. Go to the Settings -> Config -> Library -> Traffic types page.
  2. Click on the green Create type button.

3. Enter the name of the new type in the Type name field.


4. In the Type description field, if necessary, you can enter a description for the new type.


5. Click on the green button Save.


Now, when creating prices for aggregators, you can specify what type of traffic will be used in the channel.


That’s how easy you can create new types of traffic.

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