By Sempico Solutions

How to add numbers to the blacklist?

The GATUM platform is designed to make your work as safe as possible. Therefore, you have the ability to add phone numbers to the global blacklist. Messages from all your clients that will be sent to numbers from the blacklist will be blocked. In order to add a number to the blacklist, you need to: […]

License purchasing or renting – which is more suitable for me?

When you decide to enter the telecom business and have already found a platform for yourself (we described how to choose the right platform for yourself in this article), you have a choice – on what conditions should I use the platform? Many companies developing SMS platforms offer two options – buying a license for […]

How to create traffic filters?

We have developed the GATUM platform in such a way that your work on it is as safe as possible. Therefore, you have the opportunity to create filters through which traffic sent by your customers will pass and “catch” unnecessary SMS. In order to create a filter, you need: The filter will be created and […]

Moderation results: saved filters

The SMPP platform GATUM is designed to make your work as efficient as possible. Therefore, a mechanism was developed for storing actions during moderation and saving them into traffic filters. In order to see which filters are already automated on your platform, you need to: Allowed status means that SMS with such content has been […]

How to view statistics on customer payments?

On the GATUM platform, you can track not only the performance of your customers, but also their payments statistics. In order to view the statistics of payments, you need to: You will be shown information about how much was credited to the client’s or partner’s balance for the period you selected. This is how easily […]

How to analyze platform activity and view statistics?

In order to make it convenient for you to conduct analytics of your activities, provide reports to clients and partners – on the SMPP platform GATUM we have created statistics with detailed filtering, this is our pride, because now you can quickly find the information you need and analyze its effectiveness. In order to view […]

How to bill clients?

The SMPP platform GATUM is designed in such a way that the process of invoicing for clients is completely automated. To begin with, a brand must be created on the platform and the enterprises on behalf of which will be invoiced. You can see how to create them on the page Admin panel -> Statistics […]

How to export detailed reports on sent SMS?

In order for you to be able to save reports on all sent SMS, a function has been developed on the GATUM platform that allows you to export reports on sent SMS to a file and download it to your device. In order to export sent SMS, you need: This is how easily you can […]

Where can I see a detailed report on all SMS?

A functionality has been developed on the SMPP platform GATUM that will allow you to view detailed information on all SMS sent by your clients. All of them are stored in the SMS full data tab. IMPORTANT! This tab stores SMS only for the last 10 days, then they are deleted. In order to view […]

How to create an enterprise on the platform?

There is a page on the SMPP platform GATUM that is responsible for setting up businesses. This is the business you work for and on behalf of which you bill the client. In order to create an enterprise, you need: This is how easy it is to create enterprises on the platform and link them […]