GATUM team visited WWC2021 in Madrid!
A team of delegates from SempiCo Solutions has returned from the amazing WWC2021 exhibition to Ukraine and is ready to share their impressions! To begin with, we want to thank everyone with whom we had the opportunity to communicate and discuss new ways of cooperation. During a pandemic, you more than ever appreciate the opportunity […]
How to block / unblock a client?
When you need your company to have a new website or if you venture on updating your old webpage with a new There is a function on the GATUM platform that is responsible for soft blocking a client. The blocking is called soft because the client can still create new SMS, but they will not […]
How to enter into the client panel?
Your client can enter his platform panel, where he manages SMS mailings using the subdomain that you purchased in advance. To log in, the client uses the username and password that you assigned to him during registration. That is, in order for the client to log into his panel on his own, you need to […]
How to edit a client profile?
In order to edit a client profile or add new information, you need to: 2. In the line of the client you need, in the Actions block, click on the edit icon. You will be redirected to a page where you can make changes. 3. After you’ve made your changes, you need to save them. […]